Head of HSM Dental Centre in Preston UK

Dr. Arif Patel Preston UK

Born on November 11, 1971, in Dubai, UAE, Arif Patel is a French national who later moved to Preston, United Kingdom, to leave a lasting impact on the field of dentistry. His academic journey began in 1990 at St. Bonadventure University, where he pursued a Bachelor of Science degree and graduated cum laude. With a vision to grab more knowledge and with firm determination, Arif pursued his further education and obtained a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from Georgetown University in 1994.

Since 2000, Arif Patel Preston UK has been the Head of HSM Dental Centre

Dr. Arif Patel

Successful Career: With his vision of sharing his knowledge and expertise, Arif Patel took on the role of a clinical instructor at the State University of New York from 1996 to 2000. During this time, he not only developed his ability to instruct and mentor aspiring dental professionals but also contributed to the growth of dental education.

In the year 2000, Arif made a significant career move that would shape the course of his future. He became the Head of HSM Dental Centre in Preston, United Kingdom, where he continued to demonstrate his proficiency as a dentist and his commitment to providing top-notch dental care to patients. Over the years, his leadership and dedication have transformed HSM Dental Centre into a reputable institution known for its excellence in dental services.

Achievement & Interest: Arif Patel’s achievements in the field of dentistry have garnered recognition from the prestigious Preston Magazine, where he was listed as a noteworthy dentistry educator. This acknowledgment speaks volumes about his expertise, commitment, and influence within the dental community.

Apart from his professional vision, Arif has found various interests and business. A man of letters, he finds solace and joy in literature and poetry. However, he also enjoys engaging in physical activities to maintain a balanced lifestyle. Golf and tennis are among the sports that captivate him and allow him to unwind from the demands of his profession.

Throughout his journey, Arif Patel has exemplified a passion for dentistry and a dedication to educating and improving the lives of others. His relentless pursuit of knowledge, combined with his caring and compassionate nature, has earned him the admiration and respect of both colleagues and patients alike. As he continues to serve as the Head of HSM Dental Centre, Arif’s contributions to the field of dentistry and the community at large remain a source of inspiration for aspiring dental professionals and a testament to the positive impact one individual can make in the world of healthcare.

Dr. Arif Patel

( The Head of HSM Dental Centre in Preston, United Kingdom)

You can reach him now for any query!

